Coronavirus time capsule

Most of our children will not fully understand the magnitude of what we are all experiencing right now. You may wish to create a time capsule with them, to store away and open in years to come when they are more able to process all the lockdown craziness that was the Lost Spring of 2020.

You will need:

  • A suitable box or container for storage

  • Tape or string to seal it up

  • A bin bag to waterproof your time capsule

  • An attic, basement or secret cupboard for storage

Together with your child, collect items of memorabilia that represent your time in lockdown. These might include photographs of your family during lockdown, newspaper articles, drawings, current handprints, letters to your future selves, notes from family members about memorable events, or anything else you want to include.

Put your memorabilia into your container and seal it up carefully so the contents cannot be exposed to light or damp. Stash your time capsule away in an attic, basement or cupboard and wait 5, 10 or 20 years!